Saturday 28 November 2015

Dry Lips This Harmattan-Solution

Banish dry lips once and for all!

Here is more tips from our beauty school abroad. Oriflame is in over 60 countries and this countries beauty school is glad to share this tips with us.
Dry lips can the uncomfortable result of weather changes. If you can use some help, please read here how you can banish dry lips once and for all, for example with the miracle jar!
Did you know that you lose more fluid through your lips than any other body part? Too much moisture loss could cause the skin of your lips tight and cracking – that is why it is so important to your body to hydrate with eight glasses of water a day!

Yes, we know that it is tempting to your lips to pick and out to bite, especially when they are dry. But irritation may cause wounds, which need time to heal and can lead to infections. Just do it!

Purchase a lip balm to beeswax (such as us wonder jar or: Tender Care) because this moisture inclose, protects against infections and as a shield against the weather functions. Funny fact – Oriflame sells every minute as many as seven Tender Care products!
"Through your lips you lose the most moisture compared with other parts of the body..."
If it is very cold or windy outside, you can cover your mouth the best with a scarf. So are your lips protected from leanness and dryness.

Use a soft lipscrub once a week to remove dead skin cells. Or massage your lips gently with an old toothbrush. Then use a soothing lip balm.

Just like the rest of your skin to your lips are protected from the harmful effects of the Sun. Always bring sunburn – whatever the weather – or use a lip balm with an SPF.

When saliva on your lips is ' washes ' this the natural has an of your lips, whereby those dryer.

Your power supply has affected the health of your lips. Food that is high in vitamin A (such as eggs, milk and carrots) helps restore your lips, while vitamin E that you ingest through especially leafy vegetables, evens out your skin and fine lines.  

Avoid dry out your lips to breathe through your nose instead of your mouth.

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